Você continua me dizendo talvez - versão original

Well that'll be the day
When you say goodbye
That'll be the day
When you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave
You know it's a lie
Cause that'll be the day that I die

Well you gave me all your loving
And your turtle doving
All your hugs and kisses
And your money too
You know you love me baby
Still you tell me maybe
That someday when I'll be true

When Cupid shot his dart
He shot it at your heart
So if we ever part then I'll be blue
You kiss and hold me
And you tell me boldy
Well that someday that I'll be true


Nina Vic disse…
Gosto da original...
Fabio, eu indiquei seu blog para o selo "blog de elite". Sei que essas coisas não sua cara,logo, nem preocupe em participar caso não queira, mas mesmo assim quis fazê-lo, só pra deixar registrado que gosto muito deste seu espaço.
Beijo! :)


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